Streamz weekly delivers premium content for different branding types in social, display and video formats
Streamz is a Belgian video streaming service with premium content from HBO and exclusive titles only available on Streamz. To show off everything they offer on their platform, Streamz wanted a scalable omnichannel approach for display, social and video. With Cape they can create weekly updated cross-channel campaigns with minimal effort.

With new releases every week that each come with their own announcement, Streamz has to create and deliver an insane amount of content across multiple channels. As Streamz has different branding types for their owned series, movies, premium features and imported shows (e.g. HBO), the entire process of getting all visual specs right for every format was practically impossible without the right ad tech.
Dynamic Video Production
Streaming Services

This is where Cape comes into play! Cape has enabled Streamz to deliver weekly campaigns with premium content for display, social and video. With dynamic templates and feed enrichment, they are now able to manage this for video ads on YouTube, ads in all social sizes for Instagram, and display ads in over 10 different formats. Each of the various ad types can be automatically created with the correct product specs, brand trademarks and film data.