Going Global: How to Comply with Advertising Laws and Regulations in Every Market

time icon4 min read

calendar icon08 April 2024

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In the dynamic world of advertising, navigating the diverse landscape of global markets can be a difficult task. Each region comes with its own set of laws and regulations, making it crucial for businesses to ensure compliance across all markets. Let’s explore how you can effectively adhere to these rules while maintaining brand integrity and driving successful advertising campaigns worldwide. 

Understanding Market Specifics 

Markets vary significantly in their advertising requirements, from specific alcohol disclaimers to regulations regarding children featured in ads. In France for example, they have strict rules about how people can appear in alcohol ads, and they require disclaimers with very precise font sizes. 

The Challenge of Compliance 

Imagine having to manually check and adjust every ad for every market, channel, and format. Especially for big corporations running multiple global campaigns at the same time. It's an error-prone and time-consuming task, but one that is crucial to uphold brand integrity and enable advertising across all markets.

Streamlining Compliance with Cape 

With Cape, you can easily create ads that meet the unique laws and regulations of every market you're in. Our multimarket templates streamline the process: simply select your target market, and you'll receive a layout that complies with its specific rules and regulations. This ensures seamless compliance with every country's regulations without any difficulty.

Campaign Automation and DAM integration for Efficiency 

Cape's campaign automation, paired with its customised solutions, transforms how companies comply with regulatory standards. With features like Digital Asset Management (DAM), teams are empowered with a library of pre-approved assets, streamlining the creative process for rapid campaign launches across diverse markets and channels. By seamlessly integrating DAM with creative automation, companies ensure that all ads meet the latest specifications and regulatory requirements for each market, effortlessly maintaining compliance and brand consistency.

💡Client highlight

The Norwegian government requires a standardised label to be applied to all advertising in which body shape, size, or skin is altered through retouching or other manipulation. Rituals operates in Norwegian, among other markets, and must comply with these regulations in Norway. Using Cape, they can efficiently create upper-funnel campaigns across multiple markets using standardised templates and campaign automation. This guarantees compliance with regulatory standards per market, alignment with brand guidelines, and automatic translation into the appropriate languages for their ads.


In the dynamic world of advertising, following laws and regulations is non-negotiable. Thanks to Cape's innovative solutions and strategic campaign automation, businesses can confidently tackle the challenges of global markets. By putting legal compliance and brand integrity first, companies can unlock new opportunities for growth and success on a global scale.